Tan Kah Kee Award in Medical Sciences
Jiang Sichang

Jiang Sichang (1913- 2001) is a native of Tianjin. Zhang is one of founders of modern department of otolaryngology and well-known otorhinolaryngologist. He graduated from Medical School of Peking University in 1937. In 1995, he was elected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was professor of Medical School of Nanjing University, President of Nanjing University Affiliated Hospital, and professor of No. 5 Military Medical University, President of No. 5 Military Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Vice President of No.4 Military Medical University Affiliated Hospital and dean of its department of otolaryngology. From 1957, he was dean, professor and Vice President of PLA General Hospital, head of Otolaryngology Research Institute, vice chairman and head of scientist team of Medical Science and Technology Committee of Health Department of the General Logistics Department of PLA.

Jiang's research work focused on medical treatment and education of otorhinolaryngology, and he made significant contributions to the domestic development of temporal bone pathology, audiology, and otoneurosurgery. In the middle of 1940s, he started systematic study on temporal bone pathology. In 1950, he was the first one in China to successfully cure otosclerosis by applying fenestration, which has been listed in World Otosclerosis Indexes and Abstracts. In early 1960s, he was also the first one to successfully cure otosclerosis by applying stapedectomy, and the instruments designed by Jiang started batch manufacturing. In 1970s, Professor Jiang was the first physician in China   to examine esophagus, trachea and bronchus with fibro-endoscope, which accelerated the popularization of this technique in China. Under the guidance of professor Jiang, neuro-otologic surgery and base surgery skull surgery had been extensively conducted in PLA General Hospital, including acoustic neuroma surgery, resections sphenoid and clivus tumors, facial nerve decompression, anastomosis and implantation surgery, CSF rhinorrhea repair through different approaches, surgical management of Meniere's disease and so on. After 1980s, he led and encouraged his students to perform highly-difficult operation in anterion cranial, mesocrany, and posterior cranial fossa, making China in the leading position in otoneurosurgery and cranium surgery. "Ear ossicles measuring and ossicular chain reconstruction" and "Operation treatment to otosclerosis" carried out by Jiang won State Science and Technology Conference Award and State Science Conference Award respectively; "Mechanism of Blast Deafness and Research on its Prevention and Cure" won Military Science and Technology Achievement Award, First Class and State Science and Technology Advancement Award, Second Class. He won PLA Technical Expertise Significant Contribution Award in 1996. Jiang wrote 8 monographs, including Otology, and Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, and he published 0ver 100 pieces of academic thesis. Jiang founded "Jiang Sichang Award Foundation" with all the awards he won in his life to encourage and reward talents for their contributions.