Tan Kah Kee Award in Agricultural Sciences
Zhang Fusui

Zhang Fusui (1927- ) is a native of Changyi, Shandong Province. Zhang is a marine biologist and aquaculture scientist. He graduated from Shandong University in 1953. He received his doctorate from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1962. He was elected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1999. He is one of the major founders of marine shellfish culture biology and shellfish artificial culture industrialization. In appraising his great contribution to promotion of shellfish farming industry, Zhang was titled "Father of Scallop".

In his earlier time, he engaged in research on morphological taxonomy and fauna of marine mollusk plankton, later he took up ecological and zoogeographic research. From the beginning of 1970s, he started research on experimental ecology and pisciculture. Zhang established a brand-new technique of artificial breeding and natural seedling of sea-mussel, which boosted aquaculture industry for the third time. For this achievement, he won National Science Conference Award, CAS Science and Technology Achievement Award in 1978. In 1982, he firstly introduced bay scallop from U.S., and solved many biological problems which occurred due to transplanting of bay scallop, before a complete technique of in-plant breeding and total artificial culture was ready to promote to fisherfolk. This technique achieved great economic success. Till 1994, the accumulated output of bay scallop has reached more than 1 million ton which valued over 4 billion RMB, making scallop one of the three pillar industries (kelp, prawn, and scallop). This achievement had become an example of commercialization of scientific findings and earned State Science and Technology Advancement Award, First Class, CAS Science and Technology Progress Award, First Class, and Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Class awarded by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Fishery. In 1990s, based on his study of introduction and rejuvenation of bay scallop, Zhang again introduced Mexican Bay scallop to China, which has produced good results in Guangxi, Hainan and other southern sea area of China. Zhang published over 100 thesis and monographs, and won 14 major science and technology awards of provincial level above. He applied for 13 intellectual patents in China, 6 of which were approved.