Mathematics and Physics
Xiangyu Zhou

Awardee:  Xiangyu Zhou, mathematician. He was born in 1965 at Chenzhou, Hunan Province. He received his Ph.D in 1990 from the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was an associate professor at Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences during 1990-1992 and at Institute of Mathematics (CAS) during 1992-1998, and has been a professor of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (CAS) since 1998. He obtained Russian’s Doctor of Science in 1998 at Steklov Mathematical Institute. He served as Director of Institute of Mathematics (CAS) during 2003-2012. He was elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013.

Prof. Zhou has been studying several complex variables and complex geometry. He has founded his own method to solve some fundamental and difficult problems and opens a new field in complex geometry, which has great impact and contribute to the development of several complex variables and complex geometry. Related works are published in Annals of Mathematics、Inventiones Mathematicae、Izvestiya, Ser. Math., Russian Academy of Sciences、Science China Math. etc.

Prof. Zhou obtained National Natural Science Award in 2004, the first-class prize of the Natural Science Award of the CAS in 1999, S.S. Chern Mathematics Award (Chinese Mathematical Society) in 2001;  he is an invited speaker of International Congress of Mathematicians in 2002 and a keynote speaker of Abel Symposium 2013.

Award-winning achievement: Solutions of some problems in several complex variables

Abstract:Zhou solved the extended future tube conjecture which was listed as an unsolved problem in "Encyclopeadia of Mathematics". The work has been written into "Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century" and “Development of Mathematics 1950-2000” by Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Prof. Vladimirov and Academician of Sweden Royal Academy of Sciences Prof. Kiselman respectively. The conjecture was posed and studied by the schools of Bogoliubov and Wightman, which is of physical meaning and contributes to Hilbert’s 6th problem.

Zhou and his collaborate solved the optimal L2 extension problem and established the optimal L2 extension theorem, and discovered its connection with many other important problems and solved them, while there was only one connection before. The paper is published in Ann. of Math. in 2015.

Solved Demailly's strong openness conjecture on multiplier ideal sheaves, which is of great importance in several complex variables and complex geometry. Many mathematicians have obtained important results under the assumption of the conjecture. The paper is published on Ann. of Math. in 2015;

Solved Demailly-Koll r conjecture and Johnson-Mustata conjecture. The paper is published on Invent. Math. in 2015.