Mathematics and Physics
Binyong Sun

Binyong Sun was born in Putuo, Zhejiang province, in November, 1976. He got bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Zhejiang University in 1999, and got Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004.  After finishing a postdoctoral position at ETH Zurich, he joined Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he is now a professor, as an assistant professor at the end of 2005. 

The work of Binyong Sun focuses on the study of major problems in infinite dimensional representation theory of classical Lie groups.  Based on a systematic study of invariant generalized functions, he, together with his collaborators, solves a series of important problems in the theory: the Archimedean multiplicity one conjecture of Bernstein and Rallis, the conservation relations conjecture of Kudla and Rallis, etc.  This is introduced as the only mathematical work in "Report on China's Scientific Progress 2012", which is published by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Among 30 research papers which are written by Sun and his collaborators, many appear in prestigious mathematical journals. Sun was selected in "The Youth Talent Plan" of China in 2012.

Progresses on infinite dimensional representation theory of classical groups

Classical groups include orthogonal groups, symplectic groups, general linear groups, and unitary groups. They describe the symmetries of various geometric spaces. Among others, Chinese mathematicians Loo-Keng Hua and Zhexian Wan make important contributions to the study of classical groups. Infinite dimensional representation theory of non-compact classical Lie groups, especially the branching laws and the theory of theta lift, plays a key role in many problems in number theory and theoretical physics. Binyong Sun and his collaborators solve a series of important problems in this area, including the multiplicity one conjecture of Bernstein and Rallis for real classical groups, the multiplicity conservation conjecture of Howe for orthogonal-sympectic theta lift, and the conjecture of Kudla and Rallis on conservations relations for local theta correspondence.