黄维垣 有机化学家,1921年12月15 生于福建莆田。 1943 年获福建协和大学理学士学位。 1949 年获广州岭南大学硕士学位。 1952 年获美国哈佛大学化学系哲学博士学位。1952----1955 年美国哈佛大学化学系博士后。 1955 年至今在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所工作,历任副研究员、研究员、副所长、所长,中国科学院上海分院副院长,中国化学会理事长,国际纯粹与应用化学协会理事等。1980年当选为中国科学院院士( 学部委员 )。
黄维垣在美国及回国初期,从事甾体类天然产物化学研究,在甾体合成和甾体立体化学领域中作出了贡献。1958 年以后,根据国防建设的需要,在中国相继开展了有机硼化学和有机氟化学的研究,是中国有机氟化学的主要开拓人之一。他创建了有机氟化学研究室,研制成功氟塑料、氟油、含氟表面活性剂、氟碳代血液等一系列含氟材料,为中国有机氟化学工业奠定了坚实的基础,其中:全氟润滑油获得国家发明证书,为中国铀同位素分离提供了关键材料;新型铬雾抑制剂获国家发明奖三等奖,为镀铬工人的身体健康和环境保护作出贡献;氟碳代血液获中国科学院科技进步奖一等奖,曾被用于战争中的伤员抢救手术,并在医院临床和脏器的保存中得到实际应用。
黄维垣长期担任《化学学报》主编,并创办了《 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 》刊物,为中国化学学术刊物的发展作出了重要贡献。
- Synthesis of ll -oxosteroids .dichromate oxidation of a bile acid 7.D(11)-diene.J.Am.Chem Soc.,1953,75:116.(with Fienet L.F.,Babcock,J.E. )
- Synthesis of 11-ketonteroids, Oxidationof 7.D(11) -dienes with N bromoauccinimide.J.Am.Chem.Soc.,1953,75:124.(with Fiessr L. F. ,Schneider W.P.)
- The absolute configuration at C-24 of phytosterols. Acta Chimica Sinca,1962,28:204.(with Hou Jinwen)
- Synthesis and application of oxa--perfluoroalkane su1fonic acids. Scientia Sinica,1978, 21:773. (Perfluoroaulfonic Aci1 Group ,Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry ,Academia Sinica)
- Studies on deiodo sulfination of perfluoroalkyl iodides.J.Fluorine Chem.,1983,23:193.(with Huang Bingnan and Hu Chang min)
- Study on the synthesis of polyperfluorotriasine. . The synthesis of a novel di ( -iodoperfluorooxaclkyl) -b-triazine monomer.Polymer Communications ,1985,28(with Huang Bingnan and Hu Changming)
- Study on the synthesis of polyperfluorotriazine . Study on the polymerization of 2-trifluoromethyl-4,6-bis(4'-iodo--2'-oxa-hexafluorobutyl) -1,3,5-triazine. Polymer Communication(China).1985,35.(with Huang Bingnan and Hu Changming)
- Reaction of perfluoroalkanesulfonyl bromide.Rull.Soc.Chim.Fr.,1986,881.(with Chen Jianlong and Hu Liqing)
- The chemistry of perfluoroalkanesulfony1 iodides.J.Fluorine Chem.,1989,44:25. (with Hu Liqing)
- The reaction of perfluoroalkanesulfinate.A novel method for the prepararion of perfluorocar boxylic acids and the coupling product perfluoroalkane. Acta Chimica sinica.1989,91.(with Hu Liqing)
- The raction of perfluoroalkanesulfines. The study on perfluoroalkanesufinates as perfluoroalkylation reagents. Acta Chimica Sinica,1989,190.(with Hu Liqing and Xie Yuan)
- Studies on sulfinatodehal ogenation,XV.Sodium dithionite initiated addition of per-and polyfluoroalkyl halides to ethyl vinyl ether and chemical conversions of products. Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,1990,281.(with Lu Long and zhang Yuanfa)
- A convenient synthesis of perfluoroalkylbenzo crown ethers.Chinese Chem Lett., 1991,2:347.(with Liu Jintao)
- Studies on sulfinatodehalogenation, .Synthesis of 2-perfluoroalkyl-2-deoxy-D- glucose ,mono-and poly-O-polyfluoroalkylated-D-glucose.Chinese Journal of Chem- istry ,1991,9:351.(with Xie Yuan)
- Synthesis and properties of p-perfluoroalkylcalix[4]arones. Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,1993,11:370.(with Liu Jintao)
- A facile synthesis of fluoroalkylated chromones and their analogues from 2,2-dihy- Dropolyfluoro-alkanoates.Journal of Fluorine Chemistry ,1994,66:263.(with Liu Yangong and Lu Long)
- Synthesis of polyf1uoroalkylated glycerol and crown ether. Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,1995,13:251.(with Wu Yongming and Liu Jintao)
- A new approach to polyfluoroalkyl imidoyl iodide.Tetrshedron Lett ,1996,44:7999.(with Yu Hongbin 〉
- 中国有机氟化学研究. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,1996.