
Award Ceremony of TKK Science Awards and TKK Young Scientist Awards Held in Beijing on May 30th, 2018

Date:May 30, 2018
On May 30th, 2018, the award ceremony of Tan Kah Kee Science Awards(TKK Science Awards) and Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Awards(TKK Young Scientist Awards) 2018 was held in Beijing, at the 19th General Assembly of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). 
Leaders and representatives from CAS, CAE, Bank of China (BOC) etc, attended the ceremony.
Awardees of TKK Science Awards 2018:
1. GAO Hongjun, professor in Institute of Physics,CAS , wins the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Mathematics and Physics for his innovative work on "Small Molecular Machines on Solid Surfaces and the Manipulation of Fundamental Physical Properties at the Atomic Scale".
2. BAO Xinhe, professor in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,CAS, wins the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Chemistry for his innovative work on "New Concept of Catalysis by Nano-Confinement and Its Application in Methane Conversion".
3. Li Jiayang, profesor of  Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, wins the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Life Sciences for his innovative work on "Molecular bases of rice plant architecture and grain quality".
4. Dai Jinxing, professor of the Research Institute of  Petroleum Exploration and Development,  PetroChina, wins the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Earth Sciences for his innovative work on "Coal-derived gas theory and its discrimination".
5. XU Zongben, professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University and Wuyirong,professor of the Institute of Electronics, CAS, win the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Information Sciences for their innovative work on "Sparse Radar Imaging Based on L(1/2) Regularization Theory".
6. TIAN Yongjun, professor of Yanshan University, wins the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Technological Sciences for his innovative work on "Synthetic materials harder than natural diamond".
Awardees of TKK Young Scientist Awards 2018:
1. JIANG Ying, professor of Peking University,wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Mathematics and Physics for his innovative work on "Investigation and manipulation of full quantum effects of light element systems".
2. HUANG Zheng, professor of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,CAS,wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Chemistry for his innovative work on "Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Alkane Transformations".
3. WU Beili, professor of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS,  wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Life Sciences for her innovative work on "Structural studies and drug discovery of G protein-coupled receptors".
4. SUN Yelei, professor of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Earth Sciences for his innovative work on "Atmospheric Pollution in China: Sources, Formation Mechanisms, and Impacts".
5. CHANG Chao, professor of Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Information Sciences for his innovative work on "The novel method and technology on suppressing electron multipactor and improving high-power microwave (HPM) window breakdown threshold by periodic surface and resonant magnetic field".
6. ZHU Jia, professor of Nanjing University, wins the wins the Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award in Technological Sciences for his innovative work on "Highly efficient solar thermal conversion based on micro/nano structures".

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