
Award Ceremony of TKK Science Awards and TKK Young Scientist Awards Held in Beijing

Date:Jul 16, 2021

On May 29th, 2021, the award ceremony of Tan Kah Kee Science Awards (TKK Science Awards) and Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Awards (TKK Young Scientist Awards) 2020 was held in Beijing, at the 20th General Assembly of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the 15th General Assembly of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the 10th?General Assembly of China Association for Science and Technology.

Award-winning projects of TKK Science Awards 2020:

1. The award-winning project in Mathematics and Physics is “Experimental observation of pentaquark states”, mainly accomplished by GAO Yuanning, professor of Peking University.

2. The award-winning project in Chemistry is “The development of privileged chiral N,N-dioxide ligands and efficient asymmetric catalysis”, mainly accomplished by FENG Xiaoming, professor of Sichuan University.

3. The award-winning project in Life Sciences is “Structural and mechanistic investigations of the spliceosome”, mainly accomplished by SHI Yigong, professor of Tsinghua University.

4. The award-winning project in Earth Sciences is “Destruction of the norh China craton”, mainly accomplished by ZHU Rixiang, professor of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS.

5. The award-winning project in Technological Sciences is “Research of mechanisms of particles in the friction processes and superlubricity mechanism”, mainly accomplished by LUO Jianbin, professor of Tsinghua University.

Awardees of TKK Young Scientist Awards 2020:

1. GUAN Qi'an, professor of Peking University, the awardee in Mathematics and Physics for innovative research on “The solutions of strong openness conjecture and related problems in several complex variables”.

2. CHEN Xing, professor of Peking University, the awardee in Chemistry for innovative research on “Chemical labeling and functional elucidation of glycans”.

3. WANG Kejian, professor of China National Rice Resarch Institute, the awardee in Life Sciences for innovative research on “Establishment of apomixis system in hybrid rice using genome editing”.

4. TANG Chaosheng, professor of Nanjing University, the awardee in Life Sciences for innovative research on “Disaster formation process of engineering soils and countermeasures related to extreme drought climate”.

5. XIAO Yunfeng, professor of Tsinghua University, the awardee in Information Sciences for innovative research on “Ultrahigh-Q microcavity photonics: from fundamental physics to novel applications”.

6. SUN Mingyue, professor of Institute of Metal Research, CAS, the awardee in Technological Sciences for innovative research on “Additive forging of homogeneous heavy metal components”.

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